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Ethics defines behaviour as either right or wrong. They can apply to a person, a business, or a society. Your personal ethics are based on your beliefs, how you treat others, and your role in society. Often your ethics will dictate what type of behaviour causes you to feel guilty. In business, ethics are the code of behaviour that employers and employees must follow.


Codes of Ethics

A code of ethics is a set of expectations regarding one's behaviour. The Ontario Human Rights Code is a provincial law that was established in 1962 to ensure that all Canadians have equal rights. It helps prevent discrimination and harassment on the basis of things like gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs, to name a few.


Confidentiality means that you will not discuss private information that you are exposed to at your co-op placement with others outside of the workplace. Both clients and co-workers have the right to expect that their personal information will remain confidential. You are strongly encouraged to ask your employer what aspects of your placement need to remain confidential. Many workplaces require employees to sign a confidentiality agreement. Your employer may or may not ask you to do the same.


Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

The Freedom of Information and Privacy Act is the law that supports confidentiality in the workplace. Develop a greater understanding of the importance of confidentiality in the workplace by reading information about the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.


Responsible Use of Information Technology

Depending on the type of placement you have, you may be exposed to various forms of technology. Three key forms of information technology are the Internet, email, and messenger chat programs like msn.

While at a workplace, use of the Internet is restricted to visiting websites that are directly related to company business. At no time should you be using the Internet for personal use or visiting inappropriate websites while at your placement.

Email is another form of information technology that is commonly used at a workplace. Email may be used to communicate with co-workers or with clients. The content of email messages should be strictly related to company business and never used to discuss your personal life.

Social media may be used to communicate with clients or co-workers. It is important that message content remains professional at all times.

Many organizations have strict policies regarding the usage of information technology. They may require employees to sign usage contracts whereby a breach of the contract could result in serious consequences.





Complete the following assignment and submit your work to the dropbox.  

Read and respond to each of the following case studies.  Your answers should ONLY be 1 or 2 sentences for each case study.  Be prepared to share your answers with the class.



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