Cover Letter and References
When you are applying for a job, a cover letter should always accompany your résumé. It serves as an introduction, highlights specific qualifications or objectives you may have for this job It also exhibits your written communication skills. Every résumé, whether faxed, e-mailed, or hand delivered, must include a cover letter. The cover letter can also include some additional information that is not included in your résumé that specifically matches the job description.
Effective cover letter writing is an essential aspect of your job search. It will help distinguish you from applicants whose cover letters are either limited in detail or not included at all. Good writing takes time. Compose cover letters that reflect your own personality. Do not copy someone else's cover letter and make sure you address the letter to the actual person who will read it.
Use the following step-by-step guide to help you create a cover letter:
1. Create research notes
Read the job description thoroughly and underline or highlight important points
Research the job and company or organization as much as possible by reviewing literature, speaking with knowledgeable people and searching the Internet
Obtain the name of the person your cover letter should be addressed to
2. Brainstorm information about yourself
List your education, skills, knowledge, experience, personality, and achievements.
Identify traits and/or experiences that will set you apart from other applicants
Describe how the employer benefit from your strengths
3. Write your paragraph using the following format :
First paragraph: show your interest in the field of work, the company and state the position for which you are applying (remember you are applying for a co-op placement).
Second paragraph: outline your skills and strengths that match the job description and provide background information that states your education and relevant experience
Third paragraph: explain why you want to work for this company and show what you know about them
Fourth paragraph: thank the employer for reviewing your letter and provide contact information where you can be reached to set up an interview
2. Reference Sheet Assignment
Create a seperate reference sheet to go along with your resume and cover letter. Make sure you have read all the tips in the content section of this assignment before you begin. Use the following format for your references. Make sure you have all your personal information at the top of the page (just as you do on your cover letter and resume).
To create an easy to follow cover letter and references go to: (you can also find the link on the WCI Homepage)
Click "Login with school account"
Login: same as logging into the school computer – first 4 letters of your last name + first 4 letters of your first name + last 3 digits of your student number (NOT @go.tvdsb)
Password: same as your school account
Click on Work
Click on Cover Letter
Cover Letter Assignment
You are now going to create your cover letter addressed to your prospective Co-op employer. If you are not sure of where you placement will be, address your letter to your dream placement. The employer details can be changed once your interview is set up.
Cover Letters
Every resume should be accompanied by an individualized letter. The objective of the letter is to pinpoint how your skills and experience relate to the particular needs of the employer to whom you're writing. This letter should be addressed specifically to the person who will most likely be interviewing you.
Below is a template of a Cover Letter you could use when writing a cover letter for Co-op placements.
Student Name​
Street Address​
City, Province​
Postal Code​​
Phone Number​​
Supervisor’s Name​
Company Name​
Street Address​
City, Province​
Postal Code​
Attention: Name of Supervisor
Dear Mrs. Supervisor
"I am a co-op student at Woodstock Collegiate Institute....."​
This first paragraph describes why you are interested in doing your co-op at this company.
Name the position you are applying for in Co-op
How you heard about the company.
Something you like about the company​. Do some research on the company!
Your career goals​ and the type of job you like.
The second paragraph is a place to brag...what is so great about you?​
Skills you have that relate to this particular placement​. Tailor each cover letter for the specific job.
How you think you can help the business​.
The third paragraph is used to tell them why you want to work for them specifically. So, what do you know about the company? Why do you want to work for this company? Why would you be a good fit?
Fourth paragraph is your contact info etc.“I have enclosed a resume with further information about myself and my accomplishments.”
“I am currently enrolled in a 2-credit morning/ or 4 credit co-op from September 24 until January 18th. I will be available from 8:30 am until 11:30 am. My co-op teacher’s name is Teacher Name and she/he can be contacted at 519 537 1050 or email address. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.”
Student Name
Enclosed/Attached: Resume
Watch the video below and remember the acronym "WORK" when writing your cover letter.​​​​